The Korean War, 70 Years, Ago, The Mercury, Pottstown PA

Korean War Weekly Front Pages

23 September – 29 September 1951

The Mercury, Pottstown PA 

The truce talks are bogged down.


Allied liaison officers flew back to Kaesong by helicopter Wednesday for a third try at reaching agreement with the Reds to resume Korean truce talks. The Reds, who walked angrily out of the meeting the day before, were prodded by the patient but persistent Allies into accepting a third session only a few hours before Wednesday’s meeting opened. Allied representatives made a round trip from Munsan, United Nations advance base, to Kaesong on Tuesday night to propose the meeting, and again Wednesday morning to get the Reds’ affirmative reply. But there was no indication of any bridging of the gap between the Reds’ insistence on merely deciding a date for negotiations to resume and the Allies stand that there be a discussion of “conditions.” Peiping radio offered an alternative version of the walkout, saying the senior Allied liaison officer agreed to “disbanding” the meeting pending further instructions from higher authority.

A note to PVT John A. Burns in Korea: they’ve found a pair of shoes to fit you, and they’re on the way. But it took the family a week to find the size, 14D. A shoemaker agreed to stitch on buckles at the top to make them look like regular Army combat boots. Boots had been a problem for Burns since he entered the army last March. For the first two months he had to wear his civilian Oxfords. Finally the army hustled up two pairs of boots for him, but they had now worn out.

Military funeral services for CPL Leonard J. Kopicki, former employee of Bell Telephone Company’s Pottstown office, will be held Monday in his hometown of Plymouth, near Wilkes-Barre. Kopicki was killed in action on 3 September while serving with the Second Infantry Division in Korea. He was 20 years old.

(Photo courtesy, Pottstown Mercury)


The Korean War, 70 Years Ago, The Evening Sentinel, Carlisle PA


The Korean War, 70 Years Ago, The Times-News, Mauch Chunk, PA